Monika Tiyyagura Aspiring Full-Stack Developer

My Story

Professional Me

Hi, I'm Monika. I graduated from Clemson University with a master's degree in computer science focusing on software engineering. During my academic journey, I acquired proficiency in Java, react, javascript and nodeJs. Prior to this, I worked at VeeTechnologies, which falls under the healthcare sector, where I was part of a team that helped build and maintain the software that holds the patient's important data. My contribution during those four years with VeeTechnologies is remarkable as I achieved a reduction in development time and bugs and improved the software performance. As an open-source contributor, I've contributed to projects like coordination and docuseries, which shows my commitment to collaborative success. So yeah, I am very excited about this opportunity to showcase my skills, work on innovative projects, and continue to learn new technologies.


My favorite languages for systems programming, software engineering, and data analysis.


My preferred technologies for front-end web development and component design.


My preferred technologies for back-end web programming and database architecture.


My favorite tools for version control, code editing, and container orchestration.

Work Experience


Software Developer/Analyst

Part of team that maintained healthcare-specific software solutions, ensuring integration with medical billing, insurance claims, and healthcare payment systems for a group of US based hospitals.

Led cross-functional teams to achieve a 20% reduction in development time and a 30% decrease in post-release defects through rigorous coding standards and Agile methodologies.

Enhanced team efficiency, reduced application bugs by 25%, and improved software performance by 30% by streamlining onboarding processes and leveraging expertise in Python and React with Typescript.

Codinasion & Docusaurus

Open-Source Contribution

Repositories : Codinasion & Docusaurus

Enhanced Codinasion's functionality, drove community adoption, and improved code quality through feature development, bug resolution, and comprehensive code reviews..

Improved accessibility and user understanding of Docusaurus documentation, actively engaging in community discussions for collective problem-solving and knowledge exchange.

Earned acclaim in the open-source domain with GitHub contributions, showcasing a steadfast commitment to software excellence and collaborative success.

Featured Projects

Personal Website

Personal Website


I developed and designed a website using ReactJS and Bootstrap, hosted on Github Pages, to showcase my web presence, story, work experience, education, projects, and achievements in an interactive and visually-appealing format.

Check it out!
Perpetual Crusades

Time Currency


Time Currency is a Web Application to address the time management problem for an individual for their day-to-day activities using time tracking and representing statistics as a graphical representation.

Check it out!



Created an engaging Pokémon-inspired memory card game using front-end technologies like React, featuring Pokémon-themed cards, interactive elements, and responsive design. Overcame challenges in development and showcased problem-solving skills

Check it out!
DDoS Attack Detection Using ML models

DDoS Attack Detection using ML models

Developed real-time DDoS attack detection using ML models, enhancing network security by leveraging machine learning algorithms for accurate detection and monitoring of abnormal traffic spikes, optimizing accuracy, precision, and recall metrics.

Check it out!
Tinder for Dogs



This is a simple Webapplication for dogs who want to find their loved ones. In short it is a Tinder for dogs. So named the application as TinDog. As of now there is only the frontend functionality for this project and still working to improve this project.

Check it out!



Our team developed the Tooth Fairy project to enhance dental hygiene using motion detection analysis for effective brushing. The innovative solution monitors and guides users, ensuring a thorough cleaning process. The project write-up details our journey from ideation, highlighting challenges and implemented solutions.

Check it out!
Dimpu's Dice

Dimpu's Dice


I developed and designed a website using HTML, CSS and DOM Manipulation where the you can Enjoy a straightforward dice game where two players take turns rolling virtual dice to determine who goes first in any activity. With its simple interface, randomized dice rolls, and responsive design, players can easily engage in friendly competition on any device.

Check it out!

Awards and Achievements

AWS Academy Graduate Award

AWS Academy Graduate Award

Received the AWS Academy Cloud Foundations award. Acquired skills in AWS architecture, AWS cloud, AWS Core Services, and more. This award highlights proficiency in cloud computing and demonstrates expertise in leveraging AWS technologies for various applications.

Check it out!


Participated in Hackathon 2024 Hosted by GeorgiaTech University called "Hacklytics24". I participated and created a project in 36 hours and Demoed the project to the judges.

Check out My Project Submission Here!

Udemy 2023 Web Development Certification

Completed the Udemy 2023 Web Development Certification, during the course I had the opportunity to implement some amazing projects..

Problem Solver

Solved around 150 DSA problems on Leetcode and participated in weekly coding contests. And active Open-Source Contributor.